Sunday, February 14, 2010

Video Bottomless What Video Card Is Compatible With My Motherboard To Be Able To Play Games Like Crysis And Far Cry 2?

What video card is compatible with my motherboard to be able to play games like crysis and far cry 2? - video bottomless

I have an ASUS P4B266-C Intel i865 PE, 530J@3.000 MHz Pentium 4 processor, the memory of 1024 MB DDRII PC-533, ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 256 MB, 128 bit, AGP 8x graphics card.
If you try to install Crysis, Gears of War, etc, my computer meets all the requirements except the video card. I had no problems installing and playing Far Cry 1, Half Life 2, STALKER, and I was very pleased with the quality of the graphics of the game. But these games appear in the graph has been strengthened and serves only the real fans player of the bottomless pockets, to buy a new computer every year or upgrade seem to have cards.
So my computer is 3 years - but it was and is very reliable - and really can not afford a new.
Can anyone suggestGraphics card that is with my current team that can play newer games, compatible?


venereal... said...

Your only option is the Radeon 3850 AGP version.

However, costs about $ 200, but is the fastest graphics card in the AGP slot. And will probably be the last.

max said...

honest? obtain a value of only one man, 360 ...

AGP 8x slot, the video always stops you. Yes, you can spend money to go and get a card with 512 MB of video memory, but this is a waste. After all, who would go into these games (and not very good), which focuses on more than $ 300.

You could buy an Xbox 360 and almost all the games coming out for 360, and others.

ns_comp_... said...

Your motherboard is limited to AGP 4X would say they have no chance of a video better than you, because it is better than your motherboard can use it properly. Sorry dude.

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