Saturday, February 20, 2010

Had A Miscarriage At Three Months Ago Do You Think I Still Fertile I've Lost Three Babies In The Past. I'm Pregnant Again And I'm Petrified Of Losing My Baby.?

I've lost three babies in the past. I'm pregnant again and I'm petrified of losing my baby.? - had a miscarriage at three months ago do you think i still fertile

After losing three babies in the past. The first was a second early missed miscarriage at 8 months, when his heart rate was, and let the third one in November 2007 when she was 10 weeks. Currently, I am pregnant again. According to some 5 and a half weeks was pregnant, but my time was only two days, and my cycle was very rare in the last month. So you can not ovulate at any time that would have normally. He had spotted the next day when I learned that he had little more than 4 weeks because of my history, I went to the emergency room. They have a blood test and my HCG levels were 48.9 three days later went to 155, when the obstetrician told us we have to wait and see what happens. Now a few days ago I received a very light spotting againThen I went to the emergency room. They have made many tests and a pelvic exam looked good. My hCG level was 155 to 2424.4 within 7 days. The doctor said it was strange that there is more than double every two days. Ultrasound is really what I conscerned. The technician said I could see a small bag, but typically should be more developed in 5 weeks and a few days, but perhaps still too early. When the doctor told me before he said he had raised concern that my ultrasound only one bag and my hCG levels were so fast, so I called my gynecologist. She said that maybe I'm not as advanced as I thought you might twins pregnant with twins and can sometimes explain a ultrasou "impressiveKey "faster with the steps. I do not know what I think! It seems normal that everyone here? Could a sign that my baby does not develop properly and can not simply too early? What is in a period of five weeks Ultrasound see? Thank you for your help and advice.



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