Friday, December 11, 2009

New Baby Greetings Quotes I Have A Question About A 19 Month Old Baby?

I have a question about a 19 month old baby? - new baby greetings quotes

My friend is the nephew of 19 months and still can not speak words. He can say, like "da" "ma" and ah ". But you can not even communicate properly with each other. One can understand the greetings and departures to say goodbye to the people and brought with them. But the head is abnormally large. His father and mother have a wide head. However, the increase in births in the top of the dome, as if it was swelling. It is autism?


Liesel said...

In fact, it is 19 months old joint, especially an only child, and children (as so often develop speech later), not to mention more than one word. My only son, "said the mother and the dog at 20 months, and it is brilliant. I mean," stammered a lot, and maybe he said something I did not understand ... What is the most important form of nonverbal communication is at this age. He points to the things that can be very simple and basic instructions, since he had to follow me here, mind you (well, not probably know what they want at first, but he understands that you want to see something, and to)? You understand what I mean when you say what is said, as long as you change diapers and fix or running? Here again, everything depends on the routine and your understanding of these things have to be higher or lower, depending on the strength of the routine.

His head was measured at birth and measured in nearly all of his appointment babies. If the doctor believes that his head was unusually high, it would have done tests. Babies are many heads bigger her body. This means nothing for himself. Head of the best friends of my son is very tall and is very good. Lol. In addition, Dr. 's Office to follow their development.

mother of twins said...

There are many variables to this question. His nephew was born too early? Do you have a pacifier in her mouth 20 hours a day? Receptive language developed primarily to understand language, is a sign that things will evolve.

How to communicate with the adults in her life with him? Are you in a day care or home care for adults? The children learn the language from the others, so that if someone is not talking much with him, then this model is it?

Big heads are not necessarily normal. If the child is seen by a pediatrician, head circumference is taken at every visit. If the percentile range is made considerably larger than the size and weight, cranial ultrasound May. If your height and weight in the 97th Percentile, that is not your head so big. If someone believes that you can always check the blind spot. Is it important? A child with macrocephaly may still have a weakness.

It is the gesture to get their senses? If he wants juice, which on a cup?

He speaks. Would you say, "since, MA and ah". This makes the communication, it has a large vocabulary. I'm sure you could get through the senses, without saying a word, is not it?

Welcome Lillian 10/8/09 said...

I work in a year younger than the age of 2 rooms in a nursery, and many children are just talking or not. The majority of them begin to talk more and say simple sentences, or at least more words in 30 months. I'm not sure that the size of the head has nothing to do when.

beary724 said...

I can not answer the question of whether autism. It should be examined by a doctor.
My nephew who is 2 years ... not say much. If your check is 2 years, until a few months .. The doctor had examined my speech. Just to make sure he was OK. They believe they can be delayed a little .. with an older brother at home. Maybe you talk to your pediatrician and see what they think.
Good Luck

amipro said...

I can tell you that WHT
but I can advise you, go to the doctor who will tell you if a problem or not, I can only say that you will like it and that's all, and the time to tell what evvery.
go to the doctor and see what and how is the best thing you can do!

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